Scores of Joy

Adele Chee
2 min readJun 11, 2021


A poem

Family photo of 2 daughters, a son, husband and wife
Keeping scores: Dad’s longest dream came through — visiting the UK. This was also our last family photo together.

Month 11

Scrolling through the notes on my iPhone this time last year,
I see all your BP (blood pressure) readings taken throughout the day and night,
Such saddening reminders,
‘Scores’ of your final mortal fight.

I’ve resigned to the fact that my tears will never run dry,
So, for this 11th month of your loving memory,
I would make ’em happy tears…I’ll try,
By talking about ‘scores’ that give you joy — time for family!

You’ve always shown love and care in your own way,
All of us know and felt it every time we’re with you,
Hope you know and felt ours too before you departed for Paradise bay,
Though with a vacuum in our hearts, your love continues to shine through.

Every soul you’ve touched became part of your family regardless of blood and genes,
Your overflowing love, a marvelous gift from God,
Continues to course through, filling any cracks in between,
Strengthening relationships in your absence like a tie-rod.

If you can see us from where you are,
I hope you’re brimming with pride and joy of the legacy you’ve left behind,
That is to love unconditionally all the people God has placed in our radar,
Blessing them, as you’ve taught us, with our precious time.



Adele Chee

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